It's been a while but things are afoot!
Following on from the previous post, we still have no self-build mortgage but it seems to be near. So much so that work has recommenced on the build. Documents are with the Land Registry stating that the plot is mortgage-free (a legacy from previous "professional" incompetence), however that department's sense of pace puts a geriatric snail with a walking frame to shame!
Russ went back on site a couple of weeks ago. His express aim was to get the upper ground floor joists in and then the boards down. The joists were bought last November (2022!) so I expected them to be like bananas when they were uncovered. According to Russ, they were better than stuff he's had recently! Maybe the humidity and the pressure of all the timber above straightened them out? Whatever, they went down well and, with the help of a joiner called Oli, they were in place in two days! The boards quickly followed and we now have a floor you can walk around on - and get an impression of the views.
We've even got our first bit of stone!
Headaches from the plans are the balcony, a windpost and a single-skin wall with a door from the bedroom. In true Russ style he's got ideas for sorting them and some clarification from the architect should help too.
One thing that is going to change, though, is the wind post. This is a supporting steel beam like a goal post that spans an area where the lower supporting wall is missing through the upper floor. Discussing it with the steel fabricator showed just how much it was going to cost and how hard it was going to be to get it right. In the end, altering the plan slightly to have the structural wall continuing up would result in a snugger "snug" yet a bigger kitchen. Arranging the furniture we have will be tricky but then new stuff might be better anyway.
See what you think.
Original Layout

Revised Layout

All in all, its good to be back on it but the lack of money hangs over us like a bomb.
What's that? You hear ticking?!