We have detailed plans, the site has been set out to millimetre perfection and everything's pretty standard so far. So how come a valuer can come up with three different external floor area measurements within a month?
I am becoming more and more disillusioned with the 'professionals' I am dealing with. The standard of service, accuracy and commitment is poor. I have been in education for 40 years. The levels of dedication, commitment and accuracy are immense - but not, it seems, in other so-called professions to do with building.
I have previously moaned about the process of getting a mortgage. I have an amazing mortgage advisor but she can't do her stuff without going through an intermediary which, up to this point, has been singularly lacking in all the qualities we should expect from professionals. I must say things do seem to to have improved since getting the offer - yes, I've had a moan - but it's early days. However, the thing about the valuation and the size of the house is another barrel of kippers altogether.
When the mortgage offer was approved we had to have a valuation (no surprise there) and it all looked good at first glance but the total external floor area was 283 sq m. This didn't match up with the plans and the warranty and insurance providers questioned it (thank you to them for doing their job). So I challenged the calculations.
Over the Christmas break I had a chat with our current contact at the intermediary and he agreed it didn't add up and would act on it. He did. The measurement came back 12 sq m smaller! The warranty provider uses an estimate of £1500 per sq m meaning a difference of £18,000!
Expressing my concern that the original measurement was so far out, the intermediary agreed to use their in-house team to assess it. It was another 20 sq m smaller. Ok, they then realised that they were calculating internal rather than external so asked the valuer to assess again. It went up in size from his previous calculation by 6 sq m. WTF! Is this house made of elastic?
At the present time we are asking for a re-evaluation but all this (along with the solicitor) is holding up seeing any dosh.
Russ is off site and off work having had an operation so things aren't too desperate - apart from the bank balance!
But with all the rain we've had recently the house may have shrunk even more - or grown as it soaks up water!
Who am I to say?
I'm not a building 'professional'!